MED0000962857 - This website contains imagery which is only suitable for audiences 18+. All surgery contains risks, Read more here.


Travelling Patient Accommodation

Our Brisbane clinic is located on the ground level of the Atlas luxury apartment complex, offering our patients the comfort and convenience of beautifully appointed accommodation directly above our clinic, and adjacent to South Brisbane Day Hospital.

Please note that we do not offer accommodation/surgery ‘packages’ as this contravenes government regulations.

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Visit the Atlas building website here:

If you would like to discuss traveling to Brisbane for plastic surgery, please call us on 07 3202 4744.

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Complete the form below and we will be in touch ASAP.

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The consultation process for patients travelling to Brisbane for plastic or cosmetic surgery

Dr Sharp frequently treats patients who travel to Brisbane to have surgery with him. The initial consultation can be held via FaceTime or Zoom.

If your surgery is medically required/meets the MBS criteria for an item number:

You will have two consults before surgery; either the first or second consult can be via video, and the other consult will then be face to face. After your first consult, your surgery date can be booked as soon, or as far away, as you wish.

If your surgery is cosmetic

The new AHPRA Code introduced in 2023 require patients to have two consults prior to booking cosmetic surgery; one of which must be face to face with the surgeon. The consent form can only be signed at the second consult. After this, a 7 day cooling off period must be observed before a cosmetic surgery date can be booked, and deposit paid to secure a surgery date. This may sound like a complex process but it is one that we follow often, and we have supports in place to assist our regional and remote patients.

For patients travelling to Brisbane to have cosmetic surgery, this means:
– your first consult with Dr Sharp is preferably face to face in our Brisbane clinic
– your second consult can then be promptly scheduled, if you wish. This can be done via video – at which time your clinical consent form is signed, if you decide to proceed with cosmetic surgery.
– 7 days after signing your clinical consent form, your surgery date can be confirmed and deposit paid.
– you then only return to Brisbane for your surgery itself, but are welcome to have additional consults preoperatively with Dr Sharp!

If it is not possible for you to come to Brisbane for your first cosmetic consult (ie if your first consult is via video) please note that in order to book surgery, you will need to come to Brisbane for the second consult, face to face with Dr Sharp. After this, a 7 day cooling off period is observed before your surgery can be booked. Surgery is then usually booked about 4-6 weeks later, pending theatre list availability, and to enable you to pay your surgeons fee as it falls due, in full, 4 weeks prior to surgery.

Postoperative care for our remote and regional patients 

Dr Sharp requires patients to remain in close proximity to their surgeon during the period that usually involves the highest risks of complications. This is to ensure timely and appropriate management, and to ensure he takes responsibility for your follow up care during this period.

This means remaining in Brisbane for at least 1 week after surgery, at which time if everything has progressed unremarkably during that week for you and you are drain-free, you will be assessed by your post op care nurses in clinic and can return home.

At this visit we will check that your garment is providing the compression required, remove the tape and clean your incision lines, check for any wound issues and provide ongoing post care advice to see you through to your next scheduled appointment. Please note that you will need to travel home with an accompanying person to carry / wheel your bags and ensure you don’t lift anything over 2kg.

Your 6 week incision line check-in appointment can be conducted via phone call or video, if you are able to send a photo of your operative area in for clinical reference during this call. At this time, if appropriate, you will be cleared to cease 24/7 use of the compression garment and to begin returning to normal activities.

Your 3 month final consultation will be held in person, in our clinic. If patients undertake surgery with Dr Sharp, he request that they commit to attending this appointment in person so that he can assess their results, discuss any concerns or further care required and discharge them from my care. Patients who skip or do not attend post operative appointments are more likely to have concerns or issues down the track and not attending appointments can make it difficult to provide ongoing care.

While we appreciate this requires considerable travel, it ensures that we follow best practice guidelines around providing surgery to patients who do not reside close to our practice, and ultimately is in the interests of a safe outcome and adequate post op support.



We look forward to being of further assistance!
