HELPFUL LINKSThe decision to undergo surgery should only come after careful consideration and extensive research. Here are some links to external sources of independent information about reconstructive and cosmetic surgery.Home > Helpful linksHOSPITALS: EGreenslopes Private Hospital Newdegate Street, Greenslopes Qld 4120 Ph. (07) 3394 7111 ESouthbank Day Hospital Level 1, 140 Melbourne Street South Brisbane, Qld 4101 Ph. (07) 3239 5090ONLINE HOSPITAL ADMISSION FORMS: EGreenslopes Private Hospital ESouthbank Day HospitalCANCER + RECONSTRUCTION RESOURCES: ENational Breast Cancer Foundation EThe Wesley Breast Clinic ECancer Council Queensland support services EAustralian Government Cancer resources EBreast Reconstruction Org EAmercian Society of Plastic Surgeons EAmerican Cancer Society EBreast reconstruction after mastectomyCOSMETIC SURGERY RESOURCES: EAustralian Society of Plastic Surgeons EAustralian Foundation for Plastic Surgery EBreast Implant Registry ETherapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) EWhat is a specialist plastic surgeon? EExplant Info EPIP Implants ELymphoma + breast implants EMedical Board Guidelines EPlastic Surgery Procedures – Pictures + Animations EAustralian Society of Plastic Surgeons EAmerican Society of Plastic SurgeonsINDUSTRY ORGANISATIONS + AFFILIATIONS: ERoyal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) EAustralian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) EAustralian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS) EAmerican Society of Plastic Surgeons EAustralia New Zealand Burn Association (ANZBA) EInternational Society of Burn Injuries (ISBI) EInternational Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) EAMA – Australian Medical Association EOur code of practiceFEES + BILLINGS: EMedicare Benefits Schedule EAMA Services Fees