Breast augmentation before and after photo gallery Book a consultationHome > Breast augmentation before and after photo gallery BREAST AUGMENTATION GALLERY: BEFORE + AFTER PHOTOSThis gallery features a selection of Dr David Sharp’s breast augmentation before and after photos. Our thanks to the patients who have generously agreed to have their clinical photos displayed here, in order to inform and educate others. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: this patient had 440cc and 495cc anatomical high profile cohesive gel implants placed under the muscle to provide feminine, natural curves. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: this patient had 330cc moderate profile anatomical cohesive gel implants placed under the muscle to provide feminine, natural curves that complemented her active lifestyle. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: this patient had lost volume after breastfeeding and used a cohesive gel implant with a dual plane placement to restore fullness. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: this patient wanted to create volume with a naturally full look, using 330cc anatomical mod plus profile gel implants placed under the muscle. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: this patient’s breast augmentation surgery was performed using anatomical gel implants placed under the muscle to achieve the natural, proportionate look she desired. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: this patient wanted to replace lost volume with a naturally full look, using anatomical cohesive gel implants placed under the muscle. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: 400cc round cohesive gel implants and the dual plane method were used to achieve the full cleavage this patient desired. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: 345cc anatomical high profile implants were used to provide breast volume and achieve the patient’s desired natural look. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: cohesive gel implants were used to restore breast volume and achieve the patient’s desired ‘natural look’. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: anatomical cohesive gel implants were placed under the muscle to provide natural curves that sit in harmony with this patient’s toned physique. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: having undergone previous chest surgery, this patent had anatomical cohesive gel implants with a dual plane placement for a naturally smooth breast profile. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: anatomical cohesive gel implants placed under the muscle to improve chest wall deformity. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: this patient wanted to her implants to compliment her petite frame. Anatomical cohesive gel implants were placed under the muscle to achieve a size that was in harmony with the rest of her proportions. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: this patient underwent breast augmentation surgery using 390cc high profile anatomical gel implants placed under the muscle. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: this patient’s breast augmentation surgery was performed using anatomical gel implants placed under the muscle to achieve the full, high projection look she desired. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: anatomical cohesive gel implants were placed under the muscle to provide natural curves that sit in harmony with this patient’s toned physique. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: this patient experienced depletion in breast tissue after breastfeeding and used anatomical cohesive gel implants with a dual plane placement for a naturally sloped breast profile. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: this patient had anatomical cohesive gel implants placed under the muscle to provide feminine, natural curves that complemented her active lifestyle. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: this patient experienced depletion in breast tissue due to breastfeeding. Her breast augmentation surgery was performed using high profile anatomical gel implants placed under the muscle. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: this patient wanted to replace lost volume with a naturally full look, using anatomical high profile cohesive gel implants placed under the muscle. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: this patient experienced depletion in breast tissue and underwent breast augmentation surgery at the same time as tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery. before and after breast augmentation with Dr David Sharp: this patient experienced depletion in breast tissue after significant weight loss and breastfeeding. Her abdominoplasty and breast augmentation surgery were performed at the same time, using high profile round cohesive gel implants placed under the muscle. She did not have a mastopexy with her augmentation, instead using the implant to create a small lift.. Your unique breast augmentation resultsChoosing the right surgeon for your breast augmentation surgery is often a lengthy and well considered process. Most patients have seen hundreds, or thousands, of breast augmentation images by the time they invest in their first pre operative consultation – so we understand how important before and after photos are!When viewing before and after photos, it’s important to remember that surgical results can vary greatly, as each of our bodies vary greatly. We try to help patients visualise their potential outcomes using photos of Dr Sharp’s previous patients, implant sizers and 3D imaging where possible – but this does not offer a guaranteed crystal ball insight into exactly what you are going to look like once swelling, scarring and implant settling has resolved.Your friend might have started with the same B cup breast as you – and you might think you have very similar breasts – but we can guarantee that the same high profile anatomical 320cc implants she had won’t look identical in you, because your anatomy, nipple and areola positioning, chest wall and skin condition probably have slightly different nuances that will make your end results differ. So other people’s starting size and implants can provide you with a general indication of what you might look like with the same implants, but don’t use this as a clinical indicator of your final result.All before and after photos of our patients, are therefore of general in nature. We aim to provide a variety of body types, ages and result examples, and we are very grateful to those patients who generously consent to us sharing their images here for other patients’ education. However, some patients prefer we show their before and after images in the privacy of our clinics; so if you would like to view more images, please ask us at your consultation.All before and after photos on this website feature Dr David Sharp’s real breast augmentation patients. You can read more about our practice ethos here.