Published on 23 July, 2021How long is the wait to see Dr Sharp?Surgeons allocate different consult times for different types of consults, based on the various elements involved in ideal patient education and preparation for each procedure. For example, a skin lesion consult will be different to a breast augmentation consult, which will also be different to a multi-procedure mummy makeover, facelift consultation or telehealth appointment with a regional patient. Therefore, some appointment types can be available earlier than others. For example, currently the wait for a breast augmentation consult is about 8 weeks. The wait for an extended consult for body lift and brachioplasty is 12 months. These wait times can change depending on demand, and the time of the year.Does Dr Sharp have a waiting list for earlier appointments? Yes, when patients book an appointment with Dr Sharp and pay their consultation deposit, they are offered the opportunity to go on his priority waiting list. We constantly have changes in his diary as people move or cancel their consults, and so we are able to bring patients forward. In most cases, we are able to offer patients with standard consultations more earlier appointments than those with extended appointments, due to the time spaces required. How far in advance do I need to plan surgery? Give yourself as much time as possible! Never choose a surgeon based on how quickly you can get in to see them; expect a wait for experienced surgeons with strong patient care values. With travel restrictions due to be in place for the foreseeable future, many Queenslanders are taking the opportunity to have cosmetic and plastic surgery, so patients are waiting longer than usual for the care of an experienced plastic surgeon. For this reason, we recommend planning surgery well in advance. The one upside to travel restrictions is that Dr Sharp is not having any long holidays! So he is currently consulting and operating at maximum capacity to ensure patients are seen as quickly as humanly possible. While you are waiting for your consultation, there are a few things you can do to get ready for your appointment with Dr Sharp: – Complete your new patient and insights form (link located in your welcome email) – Peruse the information we have provided regarding the surgery you are considering and write a list of questions to bring with you on the day of your appointment– Obtain a GP referral if your procedure is medically required – talk to us if you are unsure about this– Familiarise yourself with our clinic locations and free parking access– If you are travelling to Brisbane or Ipswich from a regional area or interstate, arrange transport or accommodation – talk to us if you require any recommendations – If you have had any scans or biopsies relating to your procedure, or have previous implant records, collate this information and send it to us ahead of your consult. Why did my friend get an earlier appointment than me? Managing a busy plastic surgeon’s diary is a bit like Tetris! Our waiting list coordinator spends time every day trying to jiggle our diary to offer more spots to patients and bring them forward in Dr Sharp’s diary, as fairly as possible. We assign time in Dr Sharp’s diary every week for urgent surgical issues, post operative review appointments, new patient appointments – and of course, 2-3 days of operating! If you are booking in with Dr Sharp and one of your friends on a plastic surgery forum gets their appointment before or after yours, please don’t release your anger on our patient support team! This will only have occurred because of the type of consult they require, and the time frame we needed to find in Dr Sharp’s diary when we booked them in, was different to yours. Please keep in mind that not everyone discloses their full medical history or their surgery details on forums, so when someone says “I’m having the same procedure as you”, this isn’t always accurate. And that’s okay, as no one is obliged to disclose everything on social media groups, but it can cause misinformation and frustration when people think they’re being overlooked for earlier appointments! We would love to see every patient who enquires with us tomorrow if we could! So please rest assured that if your consult wait is longer than you’d like, we will be doing our best to bring it forward.