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I have a needle phobia; can I still have cosmetic injections?

  As a discretionary aesthetic, non-essential medical treatment, if you have trypanophobia (a phobia of needles), cosmetic injectables might be an unpleasant and unsuitable treatment for you. While a healthy dose of nerves is normal when undergoing a treatment...

When is hypopigmentation actually hyperpigmentation?

We often see patients who are concerned about hypopigmentation (light patches) on their skin, only to find that when we examine their skin closer, we find diffuse melasma (dark patches of skin) is the actual cause. This occurs because the melasma covers a significant...

Facelift vs Thread Lift | What’s the difference?

When comparing thread lifts and facelifts, you’re talking apples and oranges – not apples and apples! There is no substitute when it comes to facelift surgery, says Brisbane based plastic surgeon Dr David Sharp. With the rise of ‘non-surgical face lifts’ using...

Lip filler: lips come in all shapes and sizes, what are yours?

Our lips are a central attribute of our faces; enabling us to express our emotions, influencing how we aesthetically age through dynamic expression and lending proportion and balance to our other facial features. Our approach to lip filler treatments is guided by: the...

10 Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon Before a Facelift

So you’ve scheduled your consultation with a specialist plastic surgeon to discuss facelift surgery and you have some time to wait before your appointment comes around. Now is the perfect opportunity to prepare for your consultation with some research and question...

Breast implant illness | Plastic Surgery

What is breast implant illness? In this research article, Dr Jordan Kaplan and Dr Rod Rohrich explain that “recently, the term ‘breast implant illness’ (BII) has become popularised in social media to describe a constellation of symptoms which have been attributed to a...

The stages of recovery from lip filler treatment

Significant changes don’t happen overnight. In addition to being bruised and swollen, it is normal for filler to take several weeks to settle into position following an injectables treatment, and for the lips’ final shape to be revealed. In this article, we...