MED0000962857 - This website contains imagery which is only suitable for audiences 18+. All surgery contains risks, Read more here.

Plastic Surgeons In Brisbane

Considering having surgery with a plastic surgeon in Brisbane? Whether you have been thinking about cosmetic or plastic surgery for some time, or have just started researching the procedure you are interested in, the fact that you are considering a qualified...

Breaking new ground in gut biome, probiotics and immunity

The gut microbiome is a hot topic when it comes to many areas of our health, with decades of research contributing to a growing appreciation of its impact on immunity, mental wellbeing, food addiction and skin, among others. Sharp Clinic dermal therapist Diane Lehto...

Bruising after breast surgery

Following breast augmentation, breast reduction or breast lift surgery you should expect to experience some bruising.   What’s normal bruising after breast surgery?   Most women experience low or moderate bruising on their breasts and adjacent (upper chest or under...

Can I go braless after breast augmentation surgery?

  One aspect of breast augmentation surgery we often receive enquires about is whether or not it is safe to go braless after surgery. For any woman who loves the freedom of going braless or having their choice of strapless, backless dresses, it is great be able to...

Does lymphatic drainage massage help after plastic surgery?

  Many of our patients have very large plastic surgery procedures, and after these they can experience of build up of fluid in or around the operative area. This fluid is the body’s normal response to trauma and is to be expected after any surgery. Dr David...